PepiDoc SEGes CEMAC - from 03 to 05/12/2024

The 3rd edition of the “Doctoral Incubator in Economic and Management Sciences” (PépiDoc SEGes CEMAC) will be organized in Yaoundé in Cameroon from Tuesday 3 to Thursday 5 December 2024. While last year, the central theme focused on “The societal and institutional exploitation of scientific productions in Africa: issues and perspectives for sustainable economic development", this year, she is interested in "Issues and challenges of the social and solidarity economy in Africa".

PépiDoc has been certified since 2023 by the Scientific Labeling College of FNEGE, co-sponsored by the President of the CEMAC Commission and the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education of Cameroon and chaired by Professor Jacques IGALENS of Toulouse Business School. It is open to a broad target group combining doctoral students, teachers, entrepreneurs and manager-researchers and is organized with the scientific support of the International Institute of Social Audit (IAS), the Academy of Management Sciences of Paris (ASMP), the Francophone Association of Human Resources Management (AGRH), the National Foundation for Business Management Education (FNEGE), the Institute of Africanity (IDA), universities and schools of countries concerned.







Communication axis

The work could focus on the following areas, which are not exhaustive:

• The African social economy between tradition and modernity (specificities of the African social economy);

• What places and roles for the social economy in Africa?

• Contributions of the social economy to the SDGs;

• Competition and complementarity between the formal and informal sectors;

• Impacts of the social economy in Africa (employment, health, schooling, etc.);

• Contributions of the social economy and the informal sector to the fight against global warming and its effects;

• North/South cooperation via the social and solidarity economy;

• The engagement of young Africans in the social economy.

Calendar of activities

May 21, 2024: Dissemination of the Call for proposals on the conference website;

September 21, 2024: deadline for submission of proposal 1, authors are invited after registration to submit the curriculum vitae of their contributions via the conference website: For any information or assistance, the Authors are invited to contact the organizing committee via the following emails: and

September 30, 2024: PRISS examination and selection panels;

October 4, 2024: Publication of the list of selected PRISSs, notification of lucky applicants and clarification of details relating to the support arrangements;

October 30, 2024: deadline for submission of the PowerPoint version of the selected PRISS, according to the protocol above, in Arial Narrow font; minimum write size = 32; harmonized animation; 20 slides maximum and submission of the Scientific Poster (one-page design, for the M-PoS Competition);

November 8, 2024: Jury for thematic classification of proposals and adoption of the final agenda of PépiDoc SEGes3 – 2024;

December 3 to 5, 2024: holding of the 3rd edition of the “Doctoral Incubator in Economic and Management Sciences” (PépiDoc SEGes 3).

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